I'm a little (okay extremely) late with this overdue Thank You. Just when I would sit down to write it something would come up. You know how it goes. Sorry to you all!! And Thank You!
An Etsy baby shower is a stroke of genius. June at http://ficklefairie.etsy.com/ has been quietly running the Etsy Virtual Baby Shower for the last two years now. You can read about it in the Storque here: http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=6087884
I didn't even know there was such a thing until I spotted the forum thread and signed up on the spur of the moment. When Olly came along in December, he didn't have a shower as my family and friends are all back in New York (while we've relocated here to Chicago for hub's work). My mom and best friend sent along some lovely gifts and cards and our wonderful neighbor popped in to meet him when he came home from the hospital, but you know it just wasn't the same. It's a nice feeling to properly herald in a new addition. Also, we were all kind of down because hubby had lost both of his parents (young-at 62 and 63) just that Autumn. They were both gone, and now it was Christmas and we had a new baby. It was a happy and sad time.
Some of the best things on Etsy go on behind the scenes and most people find that venue to be a really special place, myself included. June at ficklefairie organizes the showers quarterly and she singlehandedly matches donors to recipients. I was really looking forward to a handmade bib or maybe even a onesie, how selfless that complete strangers think enough of a fellow seller to donate their items. Imagine my surprise when June matched me with not one...but FIVE donors. Wow. Five gifts! And not even just five gifts...five handmade gifts! The generosity is overwhelming.
We all exchanged Convos and some made special things just for me or asked what I needed, and some let me choose from their shops. It's not just baby items either, all items are welcomed. Then on a specified date and time the Virtual Baby Shower is held in the Virtual Labs in the Treehouse. It was a fun time, the donors earmarked the items in their shops and we weren't allowed to pick them until that day. That way, they get recognition and exposure for their shops when their items are pictured at the Virtual Shower and everyone can "ooh!" and "ahh!" And after all, what is a baby shower without the oohing and ahhing, not as much fun I'll tell you.
I have to give special mention here to savoiefairephoto, her work is photographing letters from everyday objects like a tire swing representing an "O" or an "L" from the right angle of a picture frame. She had just opened her shop and her name was sent to me by mistake as she had previously already been matched to a mom having twins. When she discovered the mistake, she very kindly still offered to send me one of her gorgeous cards. I insisted she was being too generous but she wouldn't hear of it. We ended up with a compromise; she sent me Oliver's card and I purchased two more for Kyle and Luke.
So here follows my lovely treasures by some rather special folks. And a very big hug and a Thank You! from the bottom of my heart (and a wee little smile from Olly too).

http://thecuriousrabbit.com/ Boy did I have a field day in her shop! She lives in my favorite place on Earth and she has a shop filled with beautiful photographs of it in irresistible colors and subjects. How lucky am I. And as well I couldn't choose, I love the Highland Cow, or should I go for the blue boat. Decisions, decisions. She extremely kindly and generously sent me a selection of her favorites. Love them all.
To be perfectly honest, similar photos were already saved to my favorites before I even signed up for the shower. Imagine my surprise when I was matched with the seller. Kismet. Love these so much.
http://littlesquidgen.etsy.com/ had this amazing tartan cloth diaper cover in her shop. All of Olly's things are in similar shades and plaids and I was so pleased she let me have it. Then she also generously sent a toddler size pair of pants, a toddler shirt with knitted sleeves, and a big boy fleece hat with a funny top that hub's immediately put on and wore around the house.

http://littlemamas.etsy.com/ had these super cute onesies in her shop that I really needed and she kindly said that I could have them. Then she went and made him a handmade ribbon blanket as well. So sweet. Love them all.

http://carelia.etsy.com/ wrote and offered not one, not two, but three hats for each of my boys. I was so touched, how kind to think of the other children and include them as well. My oldest is 18 and he's funny about hats and hair and all things grooming so he kindly declined. Little one picked out a Pikachu hat and was pleased as punch he was getting a present too. She custom made these from her shop selection in their sizes. Olly wore his bunny hat to an Easter egg hunt and he was just the cutest little thing.

http://muffintopdesigns.etsy.com/ made this stunning handmade sterling silver nest with robin's egg beads. Three to represent my three boys, her idea. I love it so much.
I didn't even know there was such a thing until I spotted the forum thread and signed up on the spur of the moment. When Olly came along in December, he didn't have a shower as my family and friends are all back in New York (while we've relocated here to Chicago for hub's work). My mom and best friend sent along some lovely gifts and cards and our wonderful neighbor popped in to meet him when he came home from the hospital, but you know it just wasn't the same. It's a nice feeling to properly herald in a new addition. Also, we were all kind of down because hubby had lost both of his parents (young-at 62 and 63) just that Autumn. They were both gone, and now it was Christmas and we had a new baby. It was a happy and sad time.
Some of the best things on Etsy go on behind the scenes and most people find that venue to be a really special place, myself included. June at ficklefairie organizes the showers quarterly and she singlehandedly matches donors to recipients. I was really looking forward to a handmade bib or maybe even a onesie, how selfless that complete strangers think enough of a fellow seller to donate their items. Imagine my surprise when June matched me with not one...but FIVE donors. Wow. Five gifts! And not even just five gifts...five handmade gifts! The generosity is overwhelming.
We all exchanged Convos and some made special things just for me or asked what I needed, and some let me choose from their shops. It's not just baby items either, all items are welcomed. Then on a specified date and time the Virtual Baby Shower is held in the Virtual Labs in the Treehouse. It was a fun time, the donors earmarked the items in their shops and we weren't allowed to pick them until that day. That way, they get recognition and exposure for their shops when their items are pictured at the Virtual Shower and everyone can "ooh!" and "ahh!" And after all, what is a baby shower without the oohing and ahhing, not as much fun I'll tell you.
I have to give special mention here to savoiefairephoto, her work is photographing letters from everyday objects like a tire swing representing an "O" or an "L" from the right angle of a picture frame. She had just opened her shop and her name was sent to me by mistake as she had previously already been matched to a mom having twins. When she discovered the mistake, she very kindly still offered to send me one of her gorgeous cards. I insisted she was being too generous but she wouldn't hear of it. We ended up with a compromise; she sent me Oliver's card and I purchased two more for Kyle and Luke.
So here follows my lovely treasures by some rather special folks. And a very big hug and a Thank You! from the bottom of my heart (and a wee little smile from Olly too).

http://thecuriousrabbit.com/ Boy did I have a field day in her shop! She lives in my favorite place on Earth and she has a shop filled with beautiful photographs of it in irresistible colors and subjects. How lucky am I. And as well I couldn't choose, I love the Highland Cow, or should I go for the blue boat. Decisions, decisions. She extremely kindly and generously sent me a selection of her favorites. Love them all.
To be perfectly honest, similar photos were already saved to my favorites before I even signed up for the shower. Imagine my surprise when I was matched with the seller. Kismet. Love these so much.

http://littlemamas.etsy.com/ had these super cute onesies in her shop that I really needed and she kindly said that I could have them. Then she went and made him a handmade ribbon blanket as well. So sweet. Love them all.

http://muffintopdesigns.etsy.com/ made this stunning handmade sterling silver nest with robin's egg beads. Three to represent my three boys, her idea. I love it so much.