Hallooo. Whoops, I totally forgot to post at Easter. Sorry about that. But I have a good reason, my folks were visiting us from New York and we were making bunny cakes and going on egg hunts and playing Uno and all that fun and suchlike. The week before that was the obligatory housework tornado and scrubbing baseboards and wiping out the silverware drawer and all that Mom cleaning that I only do when she's about to arrive.
Otherwise I've been working and trying to get the garden shaped up for Spring. It seems the season has started early this year and I'll take it after all that snow. The iris and chives are huge already as is the raspberry patch. Daffodils and tulips have sprouted their green leaves but no buds yet. All of the birdhouses are occupied. Feathery tenants abound.
The oldest boy has joined a band that has him playing guitar all over town so that's all exciting at the moment. We're not allowed to go yet because he's too nervous, but some day.
The middle boy just got a new bike and has gone Lego mad. He carries a Batman minifigure around in a case in his pocket "so his cape doesn't get wrinkled." Bless.
The baby learned to walk and has become very fond of chocolate. He quite enjoyed the jellybeans in his Easter basket. Every time he was given one he would say "ank yoo" (thank you). He just got one of the red & yellow little pedal Flintstone cars. He prefers going backwards in it.
We are totes enjoying the new season of Doctor Who.

Oh! And Target is awesome as ever and has recently stocked special anniversary editions of Hayao Miyazaki films Ponyo, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, and Kiki's Delivery Service. If you're into that sort of thing. I bought a Totoro resin figure and also a Totoro umbrella music box from eBay.
I really need to take some pictures, there's nothing on my camera but BJD dolls and I keep forgetting to take it out places. We went to the zoo last weekend. Will get some pictures up soon. Both of my Flickr accounts are maxed out so I need to bite the bullet and buy a Pro Account. On the list.
Hope you all get some good weather :D