Sorry for being a bit absent lately. We are nearing the end of our holiday trifecta in Jemjoop land. It starts with Valentine's Day and then seven days later our middle guy has a birthday (8 this year) and seven days after that our oldest has his birthday (18-and he's getting his driving license too gahhhhh! ).
I bake when absolutely necessary and sometimes by special request, preferring savory stovetop simmering instead. I can make a pretty good meatloaf.
Saturday morning little one requested his favorite; a chocolate fudge cake with butter cream frosting. So while the baking cupboard was open and the oven was hot I also made 35 lemon yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting (so he could bring them to school) and a batch of brownies for my oldest and hubby who don't like cake.
There are no pictures, they were just standard utilitarian lopsided things. After that picture was taken, I let little one put the sprinkles on his cake (because I forgot them) and his method of choice was dumping half a bottle smack in the middle. No doubt to ensure maximum sugar intake per slice. The cupcakes ended up all different sizes, some were pretty much triangular. The brownies were slightly burned around the edges. I am not the baking goddess that is Kim .
This Saturday is easy, my oldest's birthday request was homemade chocolate chip cookies. Even I can't mess those up.
*UPDATE* March 1st
Two batches and counting, they keep eating them like little cookie-eating things...