Husband just reformatted my laptop this morning before work and I lost all my stuff. Everything wiped away. All gone. Bye bye. Again. This is not the first time. Oh no. Even though I said I was taking it to Best Buy to see if they could fix it and save my pictures. Pictures of my babies, you know...aging, playing, laughing, etc. Pictures of things I made. Pictures of places we visited. Pictures of his parents final visit with us last June. And it's my computer so as well...HANDS OFF MISTER. Why were you even touching it. Why, for the love of everything holy, why. And he gives terrible apologies.
I am thinking positive, happy thoughts. Last month, he fixed the boiler and saved us a $300 bill. He also fixed the oven saving us another $300 this year. He bought me a really nice Blythe doll last week. With purple hair. Sunday morning he cooked perfect bacon and made me a yummy sandwich with brown sauce. He makes the baby do a really funny giggle and he calls him "inkle finkle"
Happy Thoughts...
I'm feeling better, thanks guys. Cute babies help, they are anti-grump makers. And Olly learned how to blow bubbles and raspberries today so he had me laughing.
It is 5:45 p.m. and we have just had the tornado sirens go off and a black sky with lightening. We had a tornado in Jan last year that touched down in the next town so we headed for the basement. It's passed now and I hope everyone was safe from it this year. Will have to check the news.
Last night the dog got stuck under the bed and I had to lift it off of him and then it fell apart. Hubs had to fix it when he got home. Then this morning my laptop was annihilated. Now tornado watches.
March is usually in like a lion, out like a lamb. Didn't expect this much drama. Whatever will the rest of the week bring. Calm, hopefully ♥