Friday already! Well, this week went by rather quickly. I've been meaning to take some pictures around the garden and post what's up and what's about to bloom, but the days got away from me. Also, it mostly rained this week so there was that as well. First sunny day, I'll do it.
My favorite time of year is peony time. Our house was home to a serious gardener before we bought it (I still get her seed catalogs in the post) and some deliciously gorgeous flowers come up for us every year. Currently, in the side garden there is a fuschia pink peony bush that is heavily in bud so any day now we're going to get massive flowers. Can't wait! I never knew about peonies until we bought our first house roundabout 1999 and that came with three giant peony bushes too. Peonies are lovely and the blooms last forever. They are kind of like giant cottage roses.
Last weekend was relaxing, by the way. I forgot to grab the camera for the entire thing but we had all weekend of sunshine and 80 degree heat. We got all the yardwork done, cleaned the gutters, then the fun part. We went to a local carnival that sets up every year for Memorial Day and drank fresh lemonade, ate soft pretzels, and sampled yummy homemade Italian ice (I chose mango). Little one rode the rides, we sat and listened to live bands, and the two bigger boys ate their weight in rainbow cotton candy. I gave little one enough tickets to play three of those games of skill. He won two inflatable guns from the duck pond and on his last turn at the water gun races, he won the grand prize. Free choice. You should have seen his face, I'm pretty sure it made his entire year. He chose a bright blue toothy shark that is a little bit bigger than he is. He named him "Jawsy"
The rest of the weekend we set the pool up (one of those 14 ft blue above ground deals - still saving the pennies for the inground) and then just before the rain on Sunday we went out to Volcano Falls which is a local children's tiny amusement park for some go karting, video games, and Lazer Tag. I got to do my favorite penny game and some Skee Ball. Home to some more barbecuing and then the week began again. I never did get some ice cream but maybe this weekend :O)
Have some fun everybody!