Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Periwinkle Day

Hello there!

A few life changes here. We have moved state and traveled from Illinois (urgh) to Nebraska (yay!) and currently reside in scenic Omaha. We love it.

In the midst of moving, there was so much miniature stock that I decided to get the Etsy shop filled up again. I was on a roll for awhile there and then my hours at work got so out of hand that the shop suffered. Well, that job was lost ages ago so plenty of time for painty days. Joy.

I guess the miniature teams have had a shuffle on Etsy so I've moved from Team MIDS (it was disbanded) to Team Miniature Art. Great to be back in the swing of things again.

Started the ball rolling with periwinkle (my favorite) and this adorable cottage dresser. Periwinkle things nearly always stay in Jemjoopland but we'll sacrifice just this one *wink

Currently listed in the shop

(I know, right?!)

Happy Mini Making!

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